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Athabasca University

Bibliography for Derek Beaulieu

Books (Authored)


Seen of the Crime: Essays on Conceptual Writing. Montréal: Snare, 2011.


Local Colour: Ghosts, variations. Malmö, Sweden: In Edit Mode Press, 2012.

How to Write. Vancouver: talonbooks, 2010.

Local Colour. Helsinki, Finland: ntamo, 2008.

Flatland: a romance of many dimensions. York, uk: information as material, 2007.


Kern. Los Angeles: Les Figues Press, 2014.

Please, no more poetry: the selected poetry of derek beaulieu. Ed. Kit Dobson. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2013.

Kern. West Lima, wi: Xexoxial Editions, 2013.

Silence. Achill Island, Ireland: Red Fox Press, 2010.

chains. Kingston, pa, usa: paper kite Press, 2008.

fractal economies. Vancouver: talonbooks, 2006.

frogments from the frag pool: haiku after basho. Toronto: The Mercury Press, 2005. Co-written with Gary Barwin.

with wax. Toronto: Coach House Books, 2003.

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Books (Edited)

Avant Canada: more useful knowledge. Calgary: No Press, 2014. Co-edited with Gregory Betts.

Riddell, John. Writing Surfaces: Selected Fiction of John Riddell. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2013. Co-edited with Lori Emerson.

bissett, bill. RUSH: what fuckan theory; a study uv language. Toronto: Bookthug, 2012. Co-edited with Gregory Betts.

Shift and Switch: new Canadian Poetry. Toronto: The Mercury Press, 2005. Co-edited with Jason Christie and Angela Rawlings.

Ubu a Cinquainte. Calgary: No Press, 2011.

12 visual poems for a workshop. Calgary: No Press, 2010.

26 Alphabets (for Sol LeWitt). Calgary: No Press, 2009.

12 visual poems for a workshop. Calgary: No Press, 2008.

Lego 50–15. Calgary: No Press, 2008.

Shooting Blanks No Press 1–50. Calgary: No Press, 2007.

Simplex 17. Calgary: privately published, 2007.

Weeds. Calgary: Dandelion Publications Society, 2006.

The Scream Passport. Toronto: Scream Press, 2004. Co-edited with Jason Christie.

Off the Shelf: a broadsheet collection in honour of Don Gorman and Shakespeare’s Shelf. Calgary: housepress, 2003.

Voices: Poems for Karl and Talon. Calgary: housepress, 2001.

housework: a bibliography of the first two hundred publications from housepress. Calgary: housepress, 2001.

Bodies and Texts. Calgary: housepress, 2001.

COURIER: An Anthology of Concrete and Visual Poetry. Calgary: housepress, 1999.

TTbpN2. Calgary: housepress, 1999.

TTbpN and otHerworks. Calgary: housepress, 1998.

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Editor of Special Issues of Magazines

Calgary. Special Issue. Matrix 99 (2014).

Canadian Small Presses / Micropresses. Special Issue. Open Letter 12 4 (Fall 2004). Co-edited with Jason Christie.

Canadian Concrete and Visual Poetry. Special Issue. Whitewall of Sound. 33 (2002).

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Contributions to Peer-Reviewed Journals


“To be most valued by those who most value brands.” Formes Poétiques Contemporaines. 9 (2012): 118, 190, 295–298.

“again.” Canadian Literature. 213 (Summer 2012): 58.

“Jan 28, 1986.” Canadian Literature. 212 (Spring 2012): 49.

“Quadrilogue: Having It Four-ways.”(with Gregory Betts, Gary Barwin and Hugh Thomas). Open Letter. 15 1 (Fall 2012): 23–30.

“conceptualist ostranenie: a dialogue between Derek Beaulieu (Canada) and Natalia Federova (Russia)” Jacket2. Web.

“Tony Trehy on curating Bury’s Text Festival.” Jacket2. Web.

“Poetic Responses to the Holocaust: Heimrad Backer’s transcript.” Jacket2. Web.

“’An endless, polyglot failure party:’ Robert Fitterman’s now we are friends.” Jacket2. Web.


“Copy Paste Publish: On Appropriation.” (with Gregory Betts). Canadian Literature. 210/211 (Autumn/Winter 2011): 254–259.

1 visual poem. Canadian Literature. 210/211 (Autumn/Winter 2011): 115.

2 visual poems. Western Humanities Review. 65 2 (Summer 2011): 50–51.


1 visual poem. Interim. 27 1–2 (2009): 175.

“Particle Elements: Natalie Simpson in conversation with derek beaulieu.” Open Letter. 13 9 (2009): 82–87.

“Conceptual writing and bpNichol.” Open Letter. 13 8 (Spring 2009): 101–108.


“Linguistic fragmentation as political intervention in Calgarian poetry.” Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses. 56 (April 2008): 69–79.

“Linguistic fragmentation as political intervention in Calgarian poetries.” Open Letter. 13 6 (Summer 2008): 107–117.


“This half is for the ceremony.” Canadian Literature. 195 (Winter 2007): 66.


Fidgeting with the scene of the crime.” Open Letter. 12 7 (Fall 2005): 58–61.


“’Misshapen Chaos of well-seeming forms’: Restricted and general economies in the concrete poetry of John Riddell, Darren Wershler-Henry and Steve McCaffery.” Open Letter 11 8 (2003): 110–118.


“’i need a community, feeling a little car-sick, sundenly’: a few thoughts on Mo’ Gumbo and Van magazines.” Open Letter. 11 6 (Fall 2002): 113–118.


“’A word in another language i can understand’: an interview with Gyongy Laky.” Open Letter. 11 2 (Summer 2001): 21–25.

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Literary Articles in Edited Anthologies


“Transcend, transcribe, transfigure, transform, transgress,” “To be most valued by those who most value brands.” räume für notizen. Ed. Günter Vallaster. Vienna, Austria: edition ch, 2014. 41–50.


“The value of nothing.” The Text Festivals: Language art and material poetry. Ed. Tony Lopez. Plymouth: University of Plymouth Press, 2013. 37–40.

“Bibliophillic dreamscapes.” The Dark Would: anthology of language art. Ed. Phil Davenport. Manchester: Apple Pie Editions, 2013. np.


“Concrete and ‘What Looks Like Poetry’”. The Last Vispo Anthology: visual poetry 19982008. Eds. Nico Vassilakis and Crag Hill. Seattle, wa: Fantagraphics, 2012. 74–77.


“Statements on poetry.” The Other Room Anthology 3. Ed. Tom Jenks. Manchester: Other Room, 2011. 13–14.


“7 nýjar myndjoðabœkur.” Af Steypu. Eds. Eiríkur örn Norðdahl and Kári Páll Óskarsson. Reykjavík: Nýhil, 2009. 119–128.


“housepress 1997–2004.” some stuff on canadian spoken word and indie publishing. Ed. Joe Blades. Fredericton: Broken Jaw, 2004. np.


“An Interview with derek beaulieu.” with Patrick Horner. Crossing Place: 2003 Red Deer Writers Festival. Red Deer: Uptoninety Press, 2003. 67–71.

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Literary Articles in Magazines


“Hidden in Plain Sight: Natalie Czech.” Coldfront Magazine. Web.


“review of Holocaust Museum. Matrix. 97. 51.

“Holiday Recommendation Guest Post #4: derek beaulieu.” Web.

“How to start a small press.” filling Station. 60 (2014). 59.

“17 years ago.” Rampike. 23.2 (2014). 46.

“Introduction: Media Studies and Writing Surfaces.” (with Lori Emerson) Alberta College of Art and Design Faculty Association Newsletter. Spring 2014. np.


“Holiday Recommendation Guest Post #14: derek beaulieu.” Web.

“Treating letters like Lego.” FFWD. 18-42 (September 26–October 2, 2013): 25.

“Wordplay.” Catalyst. (Fall 2013): 18–19.

“All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy.” Convolution. 2 (2013): 226–229.

“Advice for Aspiring Poets.” (with Sean Sullivan). The Gauntlet. 54 11 (September 5 2013): 9–10.

“I dream of bookstores and libraries.” Calgary Public Library blog. Web.

“fragments and sentences.” The Capilano Review blog. Web.

“poets, killers and collagists.” The Capilano Review blog. Web.

“A minimalist Conversation with derek beaulieu.” (with Andrea Johnston) ccwwp Members Blog. Web.

“The WAR Series: Writers as Readers, with derek beaulieu.” Open Book Toronto. Web.

“Transcend, Transcribe, Transfigure, Transform, Transgress.” Flaunt. 127 (Spring 2013): 80–85.

“’You give me space to undulate’: Amaranth Borsuk and Brad Bouse’s Between Page and Screen.Matrix. 95 (Spring 2013): 57.

“’You give me space to undulate’: Amaranth Borsuk and Brad Bouse’s Between Page and Screen;”“A caption without a photograph”: Robert Fitterman’s Holocaust Museum. filling Station. 56 (2013): 56–57.

“Compose the Holes.” Evening will Come. 28. Web.

“Jordan Abel’s ‘Argiope lycosidae.’” The Capilano Review ti-TCR web folio. 6. Web.

“’What Reading Has Become’: derek beaulieu’s Upcoming Exhibition, How to Read, in St. Catharines.” OpenBook Toronto. Web.

“Eric Zboya’s poetic star stuff.” Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver Blog. Web.

“Erica Baum is folding paper (and so are you).” Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver Blog. Web.

“Abstract / Concrete #2: Cecilie Bjørgås Jordheim.” Lemon hound. Web.

“Abstract / Concrete #3: Natalie Czech.” Lemon hound. Web.

“Abstract / Concrete #4: Cia Rinne.” Lemon hound. Web.


“An Afterwards after words: notes towards a concrete poetic.” The Baroda Pamphlet. 2 (November–December 2012): 8–9.

“A Box of nothing.” Crux Desperationis. 3 (2012) : np.

“A Box of nothing.” Rampike. 21 1 (2012): 60.

“An Irresponsible Act of Imaginative Licence #4: Jonathan Safron Foer’s Tree of Codes,” “An Irresponsible Act of Imaginative Licence #6: ‘An endless, polyglot failure party’: Robert Fitterman’s Now we are friends,” “An Irresponsible Act of Imaginative Licence #7: Jonathan Ball’s Ex Machina.” P-Queue. (2012): 123–130.

“Abstract / Concrete #1: Judith Copithorne.” Lemon hound. Web.

“Postscript: Writing after Conceptual Art.” Alberta College of Art and Design Faculty Association Newsletter. (Fall 2012): 3–4.

“Fiona Banner’s 1066.” Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver Blog. Web.

“The fabric of Jen Bervin’s work.” Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver Blog. Web.

“review of Helen Hajnoczky’s Poets and Killers.” filling Station. 54 (2012): 61.

“Interview: The Text Festival.” filling Station. 52 (2012): 41–43.

“Concrete poetry: an alphabetic dreamscape.” Uppercase 14 (2012): 60–63.

“Roundtable: The Bird is the Word Conference.” Rampike. 21 2 (2012): 50–55.

“Abstract Language: ottar ormstad’s bokstavteppekatalogen.” Rampike. 21 2 (2012): 79.

“CCWWP Pedagogy Interview #2.” CCWWP Members Blog. (March 28 2012). Web.


“Review of Erica Baum’s Dog Ear.” Advent Book Blog. (December 10 2011). Web.

“Interview with Tony Trehy.” er: The Enclave Review. 4 (Autumn 2011): np.

“Camping Out.” ccwwp Members Blog. (September 26 2011). Web.

“Abstract Language #1: kevin mcpherson eckhoff’s Rhapsodomancy.” Abstract Comics: The Blog. (August 1 2011). Web.

“Abstract Language #2: ottar ormstad’s bokstavteppekatalogen.” Abstract Comics: The Blog. (September 1 2011). Web.

“Abstract Language #3: Mark Laliberte’s brickbrickbrick.” Abstract Comics: The Blog. (October 1 2011). Web.

“Abstract Language #4: bpNichol’s Konfessions of an Elizabethan Fan Dancer.” Abstract Comics: The Blog. (November 3 2011). Web.

“Abstract Language #5: Roberto de Vicq de Cumptich’s Men of Letters and People of Substance.” Abstract Comics: The Blog. (November 29 2011). Web.

“alt.poet: Derek Beaulieu Calgary Writer Interested in how Language Constructs us.” The Calgary Herald. (June 5 2001): B6.

“Review of All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy.” filling Station. 49 (2011): 53–54.

“12 or 20 questions with No Press.” Rob McLennan’s Blog. (January 3 2011). Web.

“26 sentences on poetry.” The Capilano Review. 3 13 (Winter 2011): 123–124.

“The Story behind the Art.” Avenue. 52 (January 2011): 26.


“Pulled off my shelves #1: Alison Turnbull’s Spring Snow—A Translation.” Lemon hound. Web.

“Pulled off my shelves #2: bill bissett’s Rush: what fuckan theory: a study uv language.” Lemon hound. Web.

“Pulled off my shelves #3: ‘There are some punctuations that are interesting and there are some punctuations that are not.’” Lemon hound. Web.

“Pulled off my shelves #4: ‘Besides, it’s always other people who die.’” Lemon hound. Web.

“Pulled off my shelves #5: ‘Compose the Holes.’” Lemon hound. Web.

“Pulled off my shelves #6: “O, though I love what others do abhor.” Lemon hound. Web.

“Pulled off my shelves #7: ‘Hence latent of satisfaction, relating singing of of bunch the effect.’” Lemon hound. Web.

“Pulled off my shelves #8: ‘All work and no play makes jack a dull boy’.” Lemon hound. Web.

“Pulled off my shelves #9: ‘Have you studied the soft toes of Geckoes?”” Lemon hound. Web.

“Pulled off my shelves #10: ‘It looks like ink spilled on paper.’” Lemon hound. Web.

“Pulled off my Shelves #11: ‘I cannot sleep unless surrounded by books.’” Lemon hound. Web.

“Pulled off my Shelves #12: ‘Mother Tongue, naturally.’” Lemon hound. Web.

“Pulled off my Shelves #13: ‘The library is print in its gaseous state.’” Lemon hound. Web.

“One Man’s Trash.” The Weal. 8511 (November 25 2010): 6.

“A Letter from Calgary.” Lana Turner: A Journal of Poetry and Opinion. 3 (2010): 97–99.

“Review of Jon Paul Fiorentino’s Indexical Elegies.” Advent Book Blog. Web.

“Review of Mark Laliberte’s brickbrickbrick.” Advent Book Blog. Web.

“If it Quacks.” er: The Enclave Review. 2 (Autumn 2010): np.

“review of Heimrad Bäcker’s transcript.” Matrix. 87 (Fall 2010): 61.

“review of Heimrad Bäcker’s transcript.” The Minute Review. 1 (2010): np.

“review of Helen Hajnoczky’s Poets and Killers.” The Minute Review. 2 (2010): np.

“Poetry Month: derek beaulieu on Helen Hajnoczky.” The Globe and Mail. Web.

“A Quartet of Memories.” filling Station. 47 (2009): 39.


“Rob Fitterman’s Rob the Plagiarist.” filling Station. 45 (2009): 49.

“review of 8 new books of visual poetry.” Rampike. 18 2 (2009): 78–79.

“Poetry turns into a personal conversation.” The Calgary Herald. (August 23 2009): C5.

“low technical threshold: An interview with Gunnar Wærness.” dANDelion. 34 2 (2009): 106–114.

“Creating Noise: A Non-Interview with derek beaulieu.” Matrix. 83 (Summer 2009): 32–37.

“4 excerpts from Local Colour.” “Colour as Character.” The Capilano Review. 3 7 (Winter 2009): 57–60, 115–116.


“review of 4 new books of visual poetry.” filling Station. 42 (2008): 62–63.

“Want fries with that?” filling Station. 43 (2008): 55.

“Think vocally, act numbly: a review of Ara Shirinyan’s Your Country is Great.” filling Station. 43 (2008): 54.

“Nodes: Black Mountain, TISHbooks and MOTION.” mimeo mimeo. 2 (Autumn 2008): 27–34.

“An articulatory feat: An interview with Caroline Bergvall.” dANDelion. 34 1 (2008): 101–105.

“Pushing the Boundaries” [interview with Salvatore Difalco]. Toro Magazine. Web.

“The ‘dribble of spit trapezes.’” FFWD. 13 25 (May 29–June 4 2008): 18.

“Dennis Lee fights alphadud.” FFWD. 13 28 (June 19–25 2008): 15.

“From crunk to spunk.” FFWD. 13 30 (July 3–9 2008): 16.

“Putting the screws to poetry.” Nypoesi. Web.


“Putting the screws to poetry.” FFWD. 13 2 (December 20–26 2007): 25.

“Adventures Abroad.” FFWD. 12 10 (February 15–21 2007): 23–24.

“Great local reads of 2007.” with Laurie Fuhr. Beat Route. (December 2007): 54.

“Adam Bateman Interview.” filling Station. 39 (2007): 53–55.

un and yesno.” filling Station. 40 (2007): 75.

“editorial.” filling Station. 41 (2007): 3.

“review of Steven Ross Smith’s Fluttertongue 4.” Alberta Views. 10.5 (June 2007): 58.


“Type cast: A digital-age writer explores typewriting and how it defines the culture of writing.” The Calgary Herald. (January 6, 2006): G3.

“News Hues.” Alberta Views. 9 5 (June 2006): 18–19.

“A new approach to poetics.” FFWD. 11 17 (April 5–12 2006): 13.

“The Language of Butterflies and Moths.” FFWD. 11 19 (April 20–26 2006): 14.

“Poetry and other national pastimes.” FFWD. 11 20 (April 27–May 4 2006): 14.

“Studying a Community and its Differences.” FFWD. 11 21 (May 4–11 2006): 19.

“Looking outside of Canadian poetry.” FFWD. 11 28 (June 22–28 2006): 15.

“Todd Babiuk’s new Alberta.” FFWD. 11 44 (October 12–18 2006): 19.

Uncreativity: authors look to unusual sources for inspiration.” filling Station. 36 (2006): 66–67.

“A Window for Debate.” filling Station. 36 (2006): 46–53.

“angela rawlings’ fantasy of language, butterflies and slumber.” filling Station. 37 (2006): 66.

“‘Real’ and Riel: Chester Brown’s Louis Riel: a Comic-strip Biography.” filling Station. 38 (2006): 46–47.

“Layering and Accumulation: an Interview with Jacqueline Turner.” filling Station. 38 (2006): 36–38.

“Fragmenting the dictionary.” Matrix. 74 (Summer 2006): 60.


“Self-Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.” SPUR. 7 (December 2005): 7.

“’Communicating passages’: a review of Craig Dworkin’s Dure.” WORD. 11 2 (February 2005): 3.

“’Communicating passages’: a review of Craig Dworkin’s Dure.” filling Station. 33 (2005): 83.

“A matter of form: a review of bpNichol’s Konfessions of an Elizabethan Fan Dancer.” Rampike. 14 1 (2005): 78–79.


“Some nudity would not be unwelcome here’: a review of Jonathon Wilcke’s Pornograph.” WORD. 10 5/6 (May/June 2004): 5.

“fiberous: a review of angela rawlings’ Silmaril iritidan and Somnoptera.” Matrix. 66 (2004): 74–75.

“fiberous: a review of angela rawlings’ Silmaril iritidan and Somnoptera.” filling Station. 29 (2004): 48.

“’Of paleopresence. The extra / space around what is’: a review of Dennis Lee’s un.” Queen Street Quarterly. 7 2 (2004): 61–62.

“A matter of form: a review of bpNichol’s Konfessions of an Elizabethan Fan Dancer.” filling Station. 31 (Summer 2004): 26–27.


“the manner/s of speaking: a review of Suzanne Zelazo’s Parlance.WORD. 9 9 (December 2003): 4.


“Notes from allover – spineless / staple bound: News from the small press.” filling Station. 25 (October 2002): 30–32.

“review of DK2: The Dark Knight Returns.” filling Station. 25 (October 2002): 44–45.

“a review of rob mclennan’s Harvest: a book of signifiers.” filling Station. 24 (July 2002): np.


4 poems. The Capilano Review. 2 33 (Winter 2001): np.

“State of the (e)art.” with Russell Rickey. Object. 10 (December 2001): np.

“’Owing to inclimate weather, the social revolution occurred in poetry’: a review of Lisa Robertson’s The Weather.” filling Station. 23 (2001): 62.

“’Penetrate the frontal lobe to a depth of three inches’: a review of Steve McCaffery’s Seven Pages Missing Volume One: Selected Texts 19691999.” filling Station. 23 (2001): 70–71.

“the latter sounds like a rifle range: filling Station’s derek beaulieu interviews Alana Wilcox.” filling Station.22 (2001): 6–7.

“Construction: a review of Daphne Marlatt’s Winter/Rice/Tea/Strain.” filling Station. 22 (2001): 74.

“Review of This A Book and Snacks.” filling Station. 21 (2001): 72.

“Review of The Fruit and Vegetable Mystery and Candy.” filling Station. 21 (2001): 73.

“Review of dANDelion 26.1.” filling Station. 20 (2001): 70.

“Review of damian lopes’ sensory deprivation / dream poetics.” filling Station. 20 (2001): 71.

“Review of This A Book and Snacks.” FFWD. 6 11 (March 8–15 2001): np.

“Review of Fidget by Kenneth Goldsmith.” Queen Street Quarterly. 4 4 (Winter 2001): 61–62.

“’garden gnomes and flamingos…’: housepress with 3 boxes.” beMUSEd. 1 1 (Spring 2000): 21–22.


“another roadside attraction.” filling Station. 19 (2000): 1.

“Review of The Inkblot Record by Dan Farrell.” filling Station. 19 (2000): 67.

“a new medium immediately: filling Station talks with Darren Wershler-Henry.” filling Station. 18 (2000): 10–12.

“Review of Basinski: a zine for the arths.” filling Station. 18 (2000): 51.


“editorial.” filling Station. 17 (Winter 1999): 5.

“Treated Linguistic Components: excerpts from an e-mail correspondence with Paul Dutton.” filling Station. 17 (Winter 1999): 10–13.

“It’s like sex and Christmas: a conversation in purgatory with Nick Bantock.” with Courtney Thompson. filling Station. 17 (Winter 1999): 18–21.

“spine/less staple bound – small press reviews.” filling Station. 17 (Winter 1999): 49.

“Review of 3 booksby rob mclennan.” filling Station. 17 (Winter 1999): 51.

“Review of Holiday by bpNichol.” filling Station. 16 (August 1999): 29.

“Review of Lawrence Upton and Bob Cobbing’s Word Score Utterance Choreography in verbal and visual poetry.filling Station. 15 (Spring 1999): 47.

“(long) lines of communication: poetry, the future of the small press and what happens : an interview with rob mclennan” filling Station. 15 (Spring 1999): 37–41.

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Artistic Articles in Catalogues


“Another piece of reassuring plastic.” Atlas Sighed. The Calgary Biennial. Calgary: Calgary Biennial, 2014. 11.


Permutations. Calgary: The Truck Gallery, 2011.

“The Newspaper.” Reading.Writing. galleryHOMELAND, Portland, or.


“4 excerpts from Local Colour.” “Colour as Character.” Less is more: the poetics of erasure. Burnaby: Simon Fraser University Gallery, 2008. 57–60, 115–116.


Nervous chatter: a syntax synapse. Calgary: The New Gallery, 2006.

Through a glass darkly. Calgary: The New Gallery, 2006.


Self-Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Kelowna: Alternator Gallery, 2004.

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Creative Writing in Edited Anthologies


“Derek Beaulieu to Kristen Ingram. July 11, 2009.” Where the Nights are Twice as Long: Love Letters of Canadian Poets. Eds. David Eso and Jeanette Lynes. Fredericton: Goose Lane Press, 2015. 168.


1 visual poem. c40. Ed. Jani Krulc. Calgary: Panda Press, 2014.

“January 28, 1986,” “Nothing odd can last.” Why Poetry Sucks: An Anthology of Humorous Experimental English Canadian Poetry. Eds. Jonathan Ball and ryan fitzpatrick. Toronto: Insomniac Press, 2014. 61–67.

“4 excerpts from Flatland,” “4 excerpts from Local Colour.”  Re-Print: appropriation (&) literature. Ed. Annette Gilbert. Wiesbaden, Germany: luxbooks, 2014. 310–313, 355–357.

“Excerpt from ‘Extispicium.’” Play: Poems about Childhood. Ed. Shane Neilson. Victoria: Frog Hollow Press: 2014. 30–31.

“golfball.” Typewriter Art: A Modern Anthology. Ed. Barrie Tullett. London: Laurence King Publishing, 2014. 156.

1 visual poem. The Calgary Project – A City Map in Verse and Visual. Eds. Dymphny Dronyk and Kris Demeanor. Calgary: Frontenac House, 2014. 50.

4 visual poems. The Other Room Anthology 6. Eds. Tom Jenks and James Davies. Manchester: Other Room, 2014. 11–14.

“Local Colour.” Eigengrau: Chaumont Design Graphique. Eds. Alex Balgiu, Thierry Chancongne, étienne Hervy and Olivier Lebrun. Chaumont, France: Chaumont Design Graphique, 2014. 650–660.


“1 excerpt from Flatland.” An Anthology of Asemic Handwriting. Eds. Michael Jacobson and Tim Gaze. den hag: uitgeverij, 2013. 25.

“Asterisk.” The Emblem of my Work in Tristram Shandy. Shandy Hall: Laurence Strene Trust, 2013. np.

2 visual poems.  Ground rules: the best of the second decade of above/ground press 20032013. Ed. rob mclennan. Ottawa: Chaudiere Books, 2013. 16–17.

“The Story of the Door.” The Nabokov Paper. Eds. Kate Briggs and Lucrezia Russo. York: information as material, 2013. 89.

 “Kern.” The Dark Would: anthology of language art. Ed. Phil Davenport. Manchester: Apple Pie Editions, 2013.


“Sonnet 65.” The Sonnets: Translating and Rewriting Shakespeare. Callicoon, ny: Telephone / Nightboat, 2012. 101.

3 visual poems. The Last Vispo Anthology: visual poetry 19982008. Eds. Nico Vassilakis and Crag Hill. Seattle, wa: Fantagraphics, 2012. 48–49, 226.

excerpt from I can see the whole room, and there’s no one in it!” A Handbook of Protocols for Literary Listening. Ed. Craig Dworkin. New York: Arika/Whitney, 2012.

1 visual poem. A Global Visuage. Eds. Jörg Piringer and Günter Vallaster. Vienna, Austria: edition ch, 2012. 10.


2 visual poems. Renegade. Ed. Andrew Topel. Clearwater, fl: Avantacular, 2011.

3 visual poems. Gassilewski, Jörgen. Hittills Samald Poesi 19832009. 3 volumes. Stockholm: oei Editor, 2011. 732–734.

4 visual poems. Best Canadian Poetry in English 2011. Eds. Priscila Uppal and Molly Peacock. Toronto: Tightrope Books, 2011. 10–13.

1 visual poem. PORTFOLIO NR 2. Ed. Francis van Maele. Ireland: Red Fox Press, 2011.

1 visual poem. The Other Room Anthology 3. Ed. Tom Jenks. Manchester: Other Room, 2011. 15.

untitled. West Wind Review 2011. Ed. K. Silem Mohammad, et al. Oregon: Southern Oregon University, 2011. 213.

“Rectangle 1.” Alhambra Poetry Calendar 2011. Ed. Shafiq Naz. Bertem, Belgium: Alhambra, 2011.


“8 excerpts from Flatland.” Against Expression: An Anthology of Conceptual Writing. Eds. Craig Dworkin and Kenneth Goldsmith. Evanston, il: Northwestern University Press, 2010. 66–72.

“splitshift.” (with Andrew Topel) Rogue Stimulus: The Stephen Harper Holiday Anthology for a Prorogued Parliament. Eds. Stuart Ross and Steve Heighton. Toronto: Mansfield Press, 2010. 21.


1 visual poem. Queyras, Sina. Unleashed. Toronto: BookThug, 2009. 44.

“Úr Flatland.” Af Steypu. Eds. Eiríkur örn Norðdahl and Kári Páll Óskarsson. Reykjavík: Nýhil, 2009. 189–191.

1 visual poem. Abandon. Ed. Natalie Simpson. Calgary: Edits all Over Press, 2009.

2 visual poems. New Icelandic Poetry in Translation. Ed. Hugh Thomas. Toronto: Bookthug, 2009.

“Chapter O (for Christian Bök).” Chapbök. Ed. Helen Hajnoczky. Calgary: Limited Edition Press, 2009.

“excerpt from With Wax.” The Material Poem: An E-anthology of Text-based art and Inter-media writing. Ed. James Stuart. Bondi: Non-Generic, 2009. 18.

1 visual poem, “Two excerpts from Local Colour.” October is Dada Month: The Complete Nietzsche’s Brolly Broadsheets. Ed. Marshall Hryciuk Toronto: Nietzsche’s Brolly / Imago, 2009. 80–82.

1 visual poem. Alhambra Poetry Calendar 2009. Ed. Shafiq Naz. Bertem, Belgium: Alhambra, 2009. 35.

“Clear Jams,” “A.” The Collective Collection. Calgary: filling Station publications Society, 2009.

2 visual poems. Anthology Spidertangle. Ed. Miekal And. West Lima, wi: Xexoxial Editions, 2009. 88–89.

4 visual poems. Our Common Sufferings: An Anthology of World Poets in Memoriam 2008 Sichuan Earthquake . Eds. Nie Zhenzhao and Luo Lianggong. Shanghai, China: Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press, 2009. 53–57.


“5 excerpts from Flatland.” Boredom Fighters! Eds. Paola Poletto and Jake Kennedy. Toronto: Tightrope Books, 2008.

1 visual poem. Caffè Beano Anthology Vol. 1. Eds. Stephanie Davis and Eugene Stickland. Calgary: B House Publications, 2008. frontispiece, 103.

“A design of purposes.” Issue 1. Eds. Stephen McLaughlin and Jim Carpenter. Principal Hand 001, Fall 2008. 2194. Web.

“excerpt from With Wax.” 500 Handmade Books. Eds. Julie Hale and Chris Rich. New York: Lark Books, 2008. 367.

“There’s Warrens a-plenty.” Happy Birthday Warren Dean Fulton. Ed. Warren Dean Fulton. Ottawa: Dirty Packrat Press, 2008.

“frog / plop.” Visual Poetry in the Avant Writing Collection. Ed. John M. Bennett. Rare books and manuscripts library, Ohio State University, 2008. 32.

“The danger, Mark.” Markapalooza Chapstravaganza! Ed. Natalie Zina Walschots. Calgary: Stacked Press / No Press, 2008.

1 visual poem. Love and Death. Ed. Andrea Strudensky. Buffalo: privately published, 2008.

3 visual poems. The Book of Noise: visual interpretations of Noise. Ed. Tim Gaze. Espoo: Avance Publishing, 2008. Web.


“Mar72006.” Alhambra Poetry Calendar 2008. Ed. Shafiq Naz. Bertem, Belgium: Alhambra, 2007. 97.

2 visual poems. other clutter: an and-thology. Ed. Jenny Samprisi. Toronto: other clutter, 2007. t–u.

“2 excerpts from Flatland.” Innhold Audiatur – Katalog for nypoesi 2007. Eds. Paal Bjelke Andersen and Audun Lindholm. Bergen, Norway: Audiatur, 2007. 366–367.

“Extispicium.” 131.839 slög með bilum. Ed. Eiríkur örn Norðdahl. Helsinki: ntamo, 2007. 61–62.

“Collide-o-scope 3.” Holy Beep! Ed. Natalie Zina Walschots. Calgary: filling Station Publications Society / No Press, 2007.  (with Andrew Topel.)

“excerpt from With Wax.” The Material Poem: An E-anthology of Text-based art and Inter-media writing. Ed. James Stuart. Bondi: Non-Generic, 2007.


1 visual poem. Collexiconjury: A Festschrift of Sorts. Ed. Maggie Helwig. Toronto: lowlife publishing, 2006.


1 poem. Post Prairie: An Anthology of New Poetry. Eds. Robert Kroetsch and Jon Paul Fiorentino. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 2005.

1 visual poem. 71(+) for GB: An anthology for George Bowering on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Eds. Jean Baird, David W. McFadden and George Stanley. Vancouver: Jean Baird, 2005.

3 poems. Shift and Switch: new Canadian poetry. Eds. Jason Christie, derek beaulieu and a.rawlings. Toronto: The Mercury Press, 2005.

2 visual poems. winter. Ed. rob mclennan. Ottawa: above/ground Press, 2005.

4 visual poems. Sci-Fi systems crash. Ed. Natalie Zina Walschots. Calgary: Dandelion Publications Society, 2005.

1 visual poem. Five Million Copies: First Gathering. Ed. ross priddle. Columbus, oh, usa: Luna Bisonte Prods, 2005.

3 visual poems. Pylons. Ed. Natalie Zina Walschots. Calgary: Dandelion Publications Society, 2005.


3 visual poems. The Scream Passport. Eds. Jason Christie and derek beaulieu. Toronto; Scream Press, 2004.

1 poem. Pissing Ice: An Anthology of “New” Canadian Poets. Eds. Jay Millar and Jon Paul Fiorentino. Toronto: BookThug, 2004.

1 visual poem. Disaster. Eds.Jill Hartman and Brea Burton. Calgary: one trick pony Press, 2004.

1 visual poem. onsets Ed. Nate Dorward. Toronto: The Gig, 2004.


1 poem. 2003 filling Station Literary Calendar. Calgary: filling Station Publications Society, 2003.

1 poem. Very Short Stories. Toronto: Off Cut Press, 2003.

1 visual poem. A Tribute to Bob Cobbing. Eds. Bill Kennedy and Angela Rawlings. Toronto: Scream Press, 2003.


3 visual poems. side/lines: a new canadian poetics. Ed. rob mclennan. Toronto: Insomniac Press, 2002.

1 poem. beyond spring rain: Haiku Canada 25th Anniversary Member’s Anthology 20012002. Ed. LeRoy Gorman. Aylmer, qc: Haiku Canada, 2002.


1 visual poem. The Mentors Canon. Ed. Kemeny Babineau. Fredericton, nb: Broken Jaw Press, 2001.


1 poem. all going somewhere. Ed.LeRoy Gorman. Aylmer, qc: Haiku Canada, 2000.


1 visual poem. SIDEREAL: A Shining Luminary Calendar for 1999. Calgary: filling Station Publications Society, 1999.


1 poem. Cookartbook’98. Calgary: The New Gallery Press, 1998.


1 poem. On the Work of Burroughs. Los Angeles: Rose of Sharon Press, 1997.

Top ^

Creative Writing Published in Magazines


1 visual poem. unarmed. 66 (2014): np.

From “Fierce Indulgence.” Small Po[r]tions. 1 (Spring 2014): 44–49.

10 visual poems. Revue Grumeaux. 4 (2014): 7–20.

6 visual poems. Lana Turner. 7 (2014): 20, 59, 260, 275, 330, 365.

“Translating translating Apollinaire.” Rampike. 23.2 (2014). 47.

“helvetica.” Rampike. 23.2 (2014). 48.

“One week.” Touch the Donkey. 3 (October 2014): np.

7 visual poems. Fukt. 13 (August 2014): 100–105.

6 visual poems. NoD. 17 (2014): 22–29.


1 visual poem. LitArena / Literaturpreis. 6 / 13 (October 2013): 46.

2 visual poems. Offerta Speciale. 26.12 (October 2013): 24–25.

2 visual poems. Outlandish. 1 (2013): 2–3.

2 visual poems. Lana Turner. 6 (2013): 238, 257, 263.

4 visual poems. Illiterature. 3 (2013): 38, 39, 42, 43.

“Quartet for six voices.” Poetry Is Dead. 4 2 (Summer/Autumn 2013): 12, 16, 34, 40.

1 visual poem. Pocket Litter. 7 (June 2013): front cover.

2 visual poems. Peter F. Yacht Club. 19 (August 2013): np.

“untitled.” Crux Desperationis. 4 (2013): np.

“Flattening Flatland,” 6 excerpts from Flatland. Revista Laboratorio. 8 (Otoño 2013). Web.

5 visual poems. Eights. 1. (2013): np.

“from Please, No More Poetry.” The American Reader. Web.

“Extispicium.” The Capilano Review. 3 19 (Winter 2013): 101–105.

“Athena”. 2013 Calgary Spoken Word Festival Programme. (2013): 33.

4 visual poems. Flaunt. 125 (2013). Au Contraire: All Poetry is poems. 14–17.


7 visual poems. P-Queue. (2012): 115–122.

2 visual poems. Lana Turner. 5 (2012): 100–101.

“Prose of the Trans-Canada.” Rampike. 21 2 (2012): 52.

1 visual poem. Unarmed. 65 (2012): np.

“January 28, 1986,“ “Right, yeah,” “That’s not writing,” Matrix. 93 (Fall 2012): 25–26.

“Block 9,” “Block 11.” NōD. 15 (2012): 10–11.

5 visual poems. Saginaw. 3 (2012): np.

10 visual poems. Boulderpavement. 6 (2012): Web.

5 visual poems. Illiterature. 1 (April 2012): np.

1 visual poem. Freefall. xxii 1 (Winter 2012): 72.

“Block 10,” “Nothing Odd can Last,” “Colours.” Rigor Mort.US (2012): Web.

“How to Parse Flatland.” Crux Desperationis. 2 (2012): np.

2 visual poems. Poetry is Dead. 3 (2012): 34–35.

“Ok, turn the clown off.” Cancan. 4 (2012): np.


1 visual poem. ücra. 40 (2011): 5.

1 visual poem. Rout/e. 10 (2012): np.

“Excerpt from Extispicium.” Whetstone. 2 (Spring 2011): 29–30.

5 visual poems. The New Chief Tongue. 10 (2011): np.

“That’s not writing,” “January 28, 1986,” “Untitled,” “ 4 visual poems.”  Sunfish. 6 (Winter 2011–2012): 30–35.

2 visual poems. Cancan. 1 (2011): Front cover, back cover.

“Prose of the Trans-Canada.” Open Letter. 14 7 (Fall 2011): 151.

10 visual poems. Lana Turner: A Journal of Poetry and Opinion. 4 (2011): 110, 119, 154, 156, 159, 164, 186, 218, 248, 250, back cover.

8 visual poems. The Block. 25 (Fall / Winter 2012): 8, 15, 23, 26, 41, 51–52, 64, 74–75.

“3 excerpts from Local Colour.” dANDelion. 37 1 (2011): 9–12.

2 visual poems. Offerta Speciale. 24 47 (June 2011): 25–26.

1 visual poem. Hobo Magazine. 13 (2011): 97.

“Something Else.” Slanted. 14 (2011): 87.

“Colours.” Crux Desperationis. 1 (2011): np.

“For Kristen 3.” Rattle. 35 (Summer 2011): 75.

5 visual poems, “Interview.” Carousel. 27 (Summer / Fall 2011): 36–41.

1 visual poem. Unarmed. 63 (2011): np.

1 visual poem. Creep of light. 1 (2011): Front cover


1 visual poem. Compost. 1 (2010): np.

“Local Colour 163.” pist protta. 69 (October 2010) : 31–32.

1 visual poem. Experiment-o. 3 (November 2010): Web.

1 visual poem. White Rabbit Quarterly. 1 2 (Fall 2010): front cover.

“for natalee and Jeremy” graffiti kolkata broadside. 8 (June 2010): np.

6 visual poems. Lana Turner: A Journal of Poetry and Opinion. 3 (2010): 6, 38, 55, 190, 211, back cover.

1 visual poem. The Toronto Quarterly. (November 5 2010): Web.

1 visual poem. The Calgary Herald. (September 26 2010): B1.

1 visual poem. The Calgary Herald. (September 26 2010): B7.

“Andor (for Darren Wershler).” NōD. 12 (2010): 21–24. “Colours”, “2 visual poems.” Incongruous Quarterly. 1 (2010): Web.

“an except from How to Write.” Broken Pencil. 48 (2010): 26–27.

1 visual poem. Unarmed. 62 (2010): np.

1 visual poem. Other: _____. 4 9 (2010): np.

1 visual poem. Maisonneuve. 35 (Spring 2010): 64.

4 visual poems. Rampike. 19 1 (2010): 26–27.

2 visual poems. filling Station. 47 (2010): 11.

“3 excerpts from Fierce Indulgence.” NōD. 11 (2010): 35–37.

2 visual poems. Wonk. 4 (2010): np.


“7 excerpts from frogments from the frag pool.” [with Gary Barwin] Daily Haiku. 3 (2009): 70–72.

“Colour as Character”, “excepts from Local Colour.” The Windsor Review. 42 2 (Fall 2009): 67–72.

1 visual poem, “interview.” Area Sneaks. 2 (2009): 114, 120–121, 125–127.

1 visual poem. Unarmed. 61 (2009): np.

6 visual poems, “Why not join us?” White Wall Review. 33 (2009): 16–18, 86–88, 122.

2 visual poems. Knives Out. 3 (2009): front and back cover.

“A Preliminary report on Alphabetic Velocity: Distancing Text.” dANDelion. 34 2 (2009): 22–29.

5 visual poems. pax americana. 2 (2009): 20–24.

“If you have it”, “Nothing odd will last”, “A chain saw.” NōD. 10 (2009): 11–15.

“Nothing odd will last”, “And then there were none.” Drunken Boat. 11: Web.

2 visual poems. Offerte Speciale. 22.43 (May 2009): inside and outside back cover.

“Digte.’” Den Blå Port. 81 (May 2009): 23–26.

3 visual poems. echolocation. 8 (April 2009): 35, 38–39.

“for Kristen.” Gar. 45 (October 17 2009): np.

1 visual poem. Gar. 26 (January 3 2009): np.

“clear jams”, “I don’t read.” NōD. 9 (2009): np.

3 visual poems. 2009 Calgary International Spoken Word Festival Programme. (2009): 14–15, 18.

“Extispicium”, “for Helen” 2HB. 2. (2009): 16–18.


5 visual poems. memewar. 6 (Summer 2008): 56–61.

“On Concrete Poetry.” Rampike. 17 2 (2008): 75.

3 visual poems. pax americanada. Special Canadian poetry issue. Web.

“April 29 for Katherine Parrish”, “Feb 9.” Filter. 2 (2008): 32–33.

“untitled (for natalee and jeremy)” Poetry. CXCIII 6 (November 2008): 131.

“S.” Carousel. 23 (Fall–Winter 2008): 38.

4 visual poems. Misunderstandings. 9 (Summer 2008): 8, 12, 16, 21.

“How to Edit – Chapter A.” OEI. 37–38 (2008): 115–120.

“The Editor”, “excerpts from How to Write.NōD. 8 (Winter 2008): 22–24.

1 visual poem. Skólavarðan. 2 (March–April 2008): 6.

1 visual poem. Unarmed. 58 (2008): np.

1 visual poem. Xerography. 8 (2008): np.

4 visual poems. Fiction: the 2008 gauntlet / NōD creative writing supplement. The Gauntlet. 48 34 (March 27 2008): 3, 5.

“1 excerpt from Flatland”, “Golfball.” Peter F. Yacht Club. 9 (January 2008): np.

“Flattening Flatland; 4 excerpts from Flatland.” Critiphoria. 1. Web.

“ljÓð á íslensku.” Tregawött. 1. Web.

“6 excerpts from Chains.” Beeswax. 4 (January 2008): 29–34.

1 visual poem. Gar. 7 (March 8 2008): np.


5 visual poems. PRECIPICe. 15 2 (Winter 2007): 40–44.

8 visual poems. Otoliths. 7 (Spring 2007): 55–62.

2 visual poems, “from Extispicium.” NōD. 7 (2007): np.

“Golfball.” The New Chief Tongue. 7 (December 2007): np.

“1 excerpt from Chains.” Canteen. 2 (2007): 100.

1 visual poem. _Room to Move. 1 (Summer 2008): np.

“Flattening Flatland”, “1 excerpt from Flatland.” Rampike. 16 1 (2007): 24–25.

“3 excerpts from Flatland.” Spaltung. 2 (Fall 2007): np.

“2 excerpts from Flatland.” Pilot Pocketbook. 3 (2007): 107–109.

“4 excerpts from Flatland.” Qwerty. 21 (Spring 2007): 106–110.

“5 excerpts from Flatland.” dANDelion. 33 1 (2007): 67–73.

“4 excerpts from Flatland.” Spell. 3 (February 2007): np.

1 visual poem. Unarmed. 57 (December 2007): np.

1 visual poem. Riverspine. 8 (October 2007): np.

“5 excerpts from Flatland.” Nypoesi. 4 6 (2007) Web.

“2 visual translations.” Nypoesi. 4 7 (2007) Web.

“Trio.” Open Letter. 13.3 (Summer 2007): 5.

“untitled (for Brian Kim Stefans).” Open Letter. 13 1 (Fall–Winter 2006–7): 62.

“Flatland (Flattened).” FRONT.  XVIII 3 (May–June 2007): 25.

9 visual poems. Literatura na Swiecie. 11/12 (2007): 356–361, 373.

1 visual poem. Gar. 2 (July 14 2007): np.

1 visual poem. Gar. 5 (October 13 2007): np.

2 visual poems. Peter F. Yacht Club. 5 (February 2007): np.

2 visual poems. Matrix. 77 (Summer 2007): 14–15.


8 poems. Pilot: A Journal of Contemporary Poetry. 1 (2006): 31.

5 visual poems. Pilot Pocketbook. 2 (2006): 40–42.

5 visual poems. The New Chief Tongue. 5 (December 2006): np.

2 visual poems. Openned Visual. 1 (Spring 2006): 7–8.

7 visual poems. BOTHBOTH. (2006): np.

1 visual poem. Four Minutes to Midnight. 8 (December 2006): 132–133.

2 visual poems. Whitewall of Sound. 35 (2006): np.

5 visual poems. Spire. 3 8 (June 2006): 1–3.

1 visual poem. hex map. (May 31 2006): np.

1 visual poem. hick moth. (July 2 2006): np.

1 visual poem. dig! 11 (2006): 1.

2 visual poems. Offerta Speciale. 19 37 (May 2006): 50–51.

5 visual poems. Grimm. 3 (Summer 2006): 52–57.

3 visual poems. Bird Dog. 7 (Spring 2006): 26–28.

1 visual poem. Avenue. (January / February 2006): 126.

4 visual poems. BafterC. 2 1 (January 2006): 5, 21, 28, 36.

“5 excerpts from Flatland.” NōD. 4 (Fall 2006): 38–43.

“Extispicium.” NōD. 5 (Winter 2006): 28–29.

3 visual poems. Drill. 7 (2006): np.

3 visual poems. The Tiny. 2 (2006): 27–29.

2 visual poems. Matrix. 73 (Spring 2006): 8.

“2 excerpts from Flatland.” Matrix. 75 (Fall 2006): 36–37.


“Tracking the history of Canada.” Matrix. 71 (Summer 2005): 8.

3 poems. Open Letter. 12 5 (Spring 2005): front cover, 84–86.

3 visual poems. NōD. 1 (Fall 2005): 9–11.

3 visual poems. NōD. 2 (Winter 2005/2006): 24–26.

5 visual poems. dANDelion. 31 2 (2005): 65–69.

2 visual poems. SPUR. 7 (December 2005): 7.

“To-get-her, we ran full.” SPUR. 6 (2005): 13. (with Gregory Betts)

2 visual poems. Asemic. 4 (2005): np.

3 visual poems. fhole. 5 (2005): np.

4 visual poems. West Coast Line. 44 (38/2) (Summer 2005): 153–156.

2 poems. Queen Street Quarterly. 7 4 (2005): 44–45.

1 poem. Hat. 75 (March 11 2005): 1.

5 visual poems. The Capilano Review. 2 45 (Winter 2005): 49–54.


3 Poems. The Gig. 17 (October 2004): 31–32.

2 Poems. The Walrus. 1 7 (September 2004): 56–57.

4 poems. Kinetic Magazine. 1 (2004): np.

1 poem. fhole 1 (August 2004): np.

1 poem. Black and White Spleen. 1: np. (with Pete Spence)

poem. Hat. 18 5 (January 4,2004): np. (with Pete Spence)

1 poem. Hat. 25 (February 21 2004): np. (with Pete Spence)

1 poem. Paper in the Pocket. 1 (May 2004): np.

1 poem. Matrix. 66 (2004): 3.

1 poem. Montgomery Clift. 1 (2004): 7.

“Calcite Gours 1–19.” Stanzas. 38 (nd): passim.

4 poems. filling Station. 30 (Spring 2004): 32–33.

“variance (august).” filling Station. 29 (2004): 14.

1 poem. The NEWsletter. 6 2 (Fall 2004): np.

1 poem. The NEWsletter. 6 1 (January / February 2004): np.


3 poems. Maple Spits. 1 (October 2003 / December 2003): np.

2 poems. Farrago. 3/4 (2003): np.

2 poems. Xerography: The triple edition. (Winter 2003): np.

1 poem. The NEWsletter. 5 5 (November / December 2003): 11.

poem. Peter O’Toole. 1 (May 2003): np.

11 poems. Arras. 5 (2003): np.

2 poems. Whitewall of Sound. 33 (Spring 2003): np.

1 poem. YARD. 2 (March 2003): np.

1 poem. SUDDEN MAGAZINE. 3: np.


9 poems. West Coast Line. 38 (36 2) (Fall 2002): 42–46.

1 poem. Whitewall of Sound. 32 (Winter 2002): np.

1 poem. SUDDEN MAGAZINE. 2 (Fall 2002): np.

1 poem. Lost and Found Times. 49 (December 2002): 19.

from type is impressed.” Van. 75 (February 23 2002): 1.

3 poems. SUDDEN MAGAZINE. 1 (Summer 2002): np.

“Blazons.” Unarmed. 32 (September 2002): np.

1 poem. YARD. 1 (July 2002): np.

10 poems. Existere. 22 1 (Winter 2002): 57–70.

1 poem. SPOILATION RESULTS.  6 (May 2 2002): np. (with ross priddle)

“2 poems from Lascaux.” Queen Street Quarterly. 5 4 / 6 1 (Spring 2002): 45–46.


“from _____.” Olive. 2 4 (December 2001): passim.

“pronoun woven.” filling Station.22 (2001): 4–5.

“Home Decoration Guide.” Open Letter. 11 2 (Summer 2001): 103–105. (with Neil Hennessy)

1 poem. Van. 61 (November 3 2001): 1.

“(copyright).” Van. 57 (September 22 2001): 1.

1 poem. Van. 39 (March 31 2001): 1.


“from Sheet Music.” Queen Street Quarterly. 4 1 (Spring 2000): 59.

1 poem. Polartis 2000. (June 2000): back cover.

“10/unknown.” Polartis 2000. (April 2000): 3.

“Sound poem in 4/4 time (for bpNichol).” Polartis 2000. (February 2000): 8.

5 poems. Laughing Gland. 2 (Spring 2000): 4–5.

5 poems. Basinski: a zine of the arths. 5 (May 2000): 19–26.

1 poem. Haiku Canada Newletter. XIII 2 (February 2000): 6.

1 poem. RAW NerVZ HAIKU. VI 3 (Fall 2000): 4.

2 poems. RAW NerVZ HAIKU. VII 1 (Spring 2000): 6, 22.

1 poem. RAW NerVZ HAIKU. VI 2 (Summer 2000): 41.

1 visual poem. Lost and Found Times. 44 (June 2000): 46.

“The Noah Project.” Van. 22 (November 13 2000): 1–3.

1 poem. Van. 1 (March 2000): 1.

“trig.” Mo’Gumbo. 24 (February 24 2000): 1.

“from Syntax.” (orange). 1 (2000): 14–15.

1 poem. endNote. 2 (2000): 23.


“Ah (for bpNichol).” Rampike. 11 1 (1999): 56.

2 poems. Queen Street Quarterly. 2 4 / 3 1 (Winter/Spring 1999): 26–27.

5 poems. Open Letter. 10 6 (Summer 1999): 41–43.

5 poems. in grave ink.  2 (1999): np.

“Ti(l)de.” POLARTIS Special Issue 1999 (A Decade After). (1999): 6.

“yo-yo by pondside.” Empty Galaxy. 1 (1999): 123.

“text/er.” Offerta Speciale. 12 23 (May 1999): 52.

2 poems. RAW NerVZ HAIKU. VI 1 (Spring 1999): 5, 44.

“nmh.” Mo’Gumbo. 15 (December 10 1999): 1.

“pulling stain.” Mo’Gumbo. 13 (November 26 1999): 1.


“wood and tin.” Grove. 1 (Winter 1998): 13.

2 poems. Bulldog Breath. 5 (Summer 1998): 4–5.

2 poems. Dig! 4 (1998): np.

“A: filling.” Seeds. 6 1 (1998): passim.


5 poems. Articulata. 1 (Fall 1997): 17–20.

Top ^

Literary Ephemera and Limited Editions


Game of Life: a user’s manual. Calgary: Space Craft Press, 2015.


Please, no more poetry. Italy: diyfferx, 2014.

Transcend, Transcribe, Transfigure, Transform, Transgress. Ottawa: above/ground, 2014.

Two poems for Christian Bok. Calgary: privately published, 2014.

Please, no more poetry. Edmonton: red nettle Press, 2014.

6 ways to ruin your day. Portland: push/pull/press, 2014.

a typo. Calgary: privately published, 2014.

Affect: a bibliography of Natalie Simpson. Calgary: No Press, 2014.


The Value of Nothing. Calgary: 100 têtes press, 2013.

The Design of Purposes. Calgary: No Press, 2013.

Kokophonie 5. Berlin: Broken Dimanche Press, 2013. (with Eric Zboya)


All work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy. Los Angeles: Rabble, 2012.

Economies of Scale. Ottawa: above/ground Press, 2012. (with rob mclennan)

Untitled (for Billy Mavreas). Toronto: puddles of sky Press, 2012.


Colour. Vernon, bc: twenty-two Press, 2011.

Kern 12. Calgary: No Press, 2011.

Prose of the Trans-Canada. Toronto: BookThug, 2011.

db. Schenectady, ny: dbpq, 2011.


1115 / 2:47: Pages. Calgary: No Press, 2010.

8 visual poems. Montréal: Distroboto, 2010.

Quartet for 6 voices. Mayne Island, bc: Perro Verlag, 2010.

dent and bent. Calgary: privately published, 2010.

Object 005. Manchester, uk: zimzalla, 2010.

Swarms. Jacksonville, il: avantacular Press, 2010.

4 visual poems. Calgary: No Press, 2010.

This is Visual Poetry. Kingston, pa: paper kite Press, 2010.

collide-o-scope. Jacksonville, il: avantacular Press, 2010. (with Andrew Topel)

A poem. Calgary: No Press, 2010.

Colour. Calgary: No Press, 2010.

Fierce Indulgence. Torino, Italy: Offerta Speciale, 2010.


FFFF.” Belgium: postfluxpostbooklets, 2009. (with Luc Fierens)

√. Cork, Ireland: default Press / dusie chaps, 2009.

3 poems for K. Calgary: privately printed, 2009.

2 poems for Kristen. Calgary: No Press, 2009.

wild rose country. Ottawa: above/ground Press, 2009.


dsol. Oslo, Norway: Forlaget Attåt, 2008.

selections from Local Colour. Portland, me: Tonerworks, 2008.

An excerpt from Local Colour. Toronto: Nietzsche’s Brolly Broadsheet 80, September 2008.

[untitled]. Toronto: Nietzsche’s Brolly Broadsheet 81, September 2008.

An excerpt from Local Colour. Toronto: Nietzsche’s Brolly Broadsheet 82, September 2008.

fishing ingest gestalt. Calgary: No Press, 2008. (with Jordan Scott)

Local Colour. Calgary: No Press, 2008.

I Don’t Read. Calgary: No Press, 2008.

The Editor. Calgary: No Press, 2008. (with Mark Laliberte)

lthy. Jacksonville, il: avantacular Press, 2008.

How to Write: Chapter A. Edmonton: above/ground Press, 2008.

How to Write: Chapter A. Calgary: No Press, 2008.

Hell Passport 9. Mayne Island, bc: Perro Verlag Books by Artists, 2008.


#(i03)… Calgary: No Press, 2007.

collide-o-scope. Jacksonville, il: avantacular Press, 2007. (with Andrew Topel)

8 prints. Calgary: No Press, 2007.

2 more poems. Calgary: No Press, 2007.

Flatland No. 2535. Calgary: skin of me teeth Press, 2007.


Flatland No. 110. Calgary: No Press, 2006.

Flatland No. 21. Ottawa: Griddle Grin, 2006.

seize oiseaux. London, uk: ytcommunication, 2006.

DAB.Calgary: skin of me teeth Press, 2006. (with kevin mcpherson eckhoff).

hex math. London, uk: ytcommunication, 2006. (with Sean Bonney, Kai Fierle-Hedrick, Frances Kruk)

Fractals of conversation. Calgary: No Press, 2006. (with Jason Christie, Jordan Scott, Jill Hartman, Chris Ewart, ryan fitzpatrick and Natalie Zina Walschots)


Pitt Graphit 129904 4B. London, uk: Writers Forum, 2005.

fractals. Calgary: No Press, 2005.

chains. Calgary: No Press, 2005.

winnipeg suite. Calgary: No Press, 2005.

ffllj. Calgary: ModL Press, 2005.

[the orange manifesto]. Calgary: ModL press, 2005.

Calcite Gours. London, uk: Writers Forum, 2005.

call and response. Calgary: Martian Press, 2005. (with Jonathan Ball)


[Dear Fred]. Ottawa: above/ground Press, 2004.


split 7”. Calgary: housepress, 2003. (with Jason Christie)

With Wax. Buffalo: Cuneiform Press, 2003.


a comprehensive force between the cam and the follower. Calgary: housepress, 2002.

C02-30. Calgary: housepress, 2002.

Velvet touch lettering. Calgary: yardpress, 2002.

PINS IN INGS IF. Calgary: Garage, 2002. (with Angela Rawlings)

Seeing too much. Calgary: Garage, 2002.

[     ]. Toronto: BookThug, 2002.


9 months. Calgary: slowdownpress, 2001.

Position of Sheep 2001 (for Steve McCaffery). Calgary: housepress, 2001.

problems in composition. Calgary: housepress, 2001.


DPI: a fractal. Calgary: housepress, 2000.

Some Design Issues #5. Calgary: housepress, 2000. (with Neil Hennessy)

Some Design Issues #6. Calgary: housepress, 2000. (with Neil Hennessy)

Some Design Issues #7. Calgary: housepress, 2000. (with Neil Hennessy)

Some Design Issues #8. Calgary: housepress, 2000. (with Neil Hennessy)

after basho. Toronto: poemEpress, 2000.

SYNTAX. Calgary: housepress, 2000.

Blame. Calgary: housepress, 2000.

125. Calgary: housepress, 2000.

maps and syntax. Calgary: housepress, 2000.

494jul250012:10. Calgary: housepress, 2000.


the city on prairie writing. Calgary: housepress, 1999.

gravity. Calgary: housepress, 1999.

framing the narrative. Calgary: housepress, 1999.

5¢: a landscape for bp. Calgary: housepress, 1999.

basho’s decadent chinese food. Brampton: poetic immolation press, 1999.

A pyramid. Calgary: housepress, 1999.

movement (for bpNichol). Calgary: housepress, 1999. (with Courtney Thompson)

for AG. Calgary: housepress, 1999.

A/“AH.” Australia: MIGHTY THIN BOOKS, 1999.

witticism under pressure. Calgary: housepress, 1999. (with Courtney Thompson)

3 bashos for n.m.hennessy. Calgary: housepress, 1999.

ripples. Calgary: housepress, 1999.

blurd. Calgary: housepress, 1999.

Frog’s eye view: 2 bashos among friends. Brampton: poetic immolation press, 1999. (with Neil Hennessy)

A Door. Calgary: housepress, 1999.

bash(o)ful pondifications. Toronto: Kitsch In Ink Press, 1999.

PARANOID MONOLOGUE. Calgary: housepress, 1999.

(plop). Calgary: housepress, 1999.

Seeing is Relieving: concrete, linocuts, xerox, comic strips and very short poems. Calgary: housepress, 1999.

A Preliminary Report on Alphabetic Velocity. Brampton: poetic immolation Press, 1999. (with Neil Hennessy)

portrait 4. Ottawa: above/ground Press, 1999.

Some Design Issues. Calgary: housepress, 1999. (with Neil Hennessy)

Some Design Issues #2. Calgary: housepress, 1999. (with Neil Hennessy)

permanent physical damage to the medium: Some Design Issues #3. Calgary: housepress, 1999. (with Neil Hennessy)

Some Design Issues #4. Calgary: housepress, 1999. (with Neil Hennessy)

housework: a bibliography of 2 years of housepress. Calgary: housepress, 1999.

framing the narrative. Vancouver: Pulley Press, 1999.

keyboard poetics. Calgary: housepress, 1999.

2 birthday poems. Calgary: housepress, 1999.


al/ph/abet: (de)find. Calgary: housepress, 1998.

“Xian. Calgary: housepress, 1998.

joint/lateral forces. Calgary: housepress, 1998.

“: A Book of Vowels. Calgary: housepress, 1998.

IV.08/13/97 (“her fear of the silence after she spoke”). Ottawa: above/ground Press, 1998.

capital ‘A’ schematic. Calgary: housepress, 1998.

A? : Any Questions? Ottawa: above/ground Press, 1998.

a small love poem. Calgary: housepress, 1998.

A: filling. Calgary: housepress, 1998.

Keyboard Po(e/li)tics. Brampton: poetic immolation Press, 1998. (with Neil Hennessy)

fonder. Calgary: housepress, 1998.

congradgraduaLtionstions. Calgary: housepress, 1998.

after basho. Calgary: housepress, 1998.

basho’s pond. Calgary: housepress, 1998.

read. Calgary: housepress, 1998.

bash0: sum somes. Calgary: housepress, 1998.

A Christmas Star. Calgary: housepress, 1998.

blackandwhite (for p.banting). Calgary: housepress, 1998.

the devotion of Ive. Calgary: housepress, 1998. (with Neil Hennessy)

Basho’s Thot Process. Calgary: housepress, 1998.


William S. Burroughs: Ghost of Steel. Calgary / Brampton: housepress / poetic immolation Press, 1997. (with Neil Hennessy)

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