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Athabasca University

Bibliography of Works about Rudy Wiebe


Blodgett, E.D. et al. Silence, the Word and the Sacred. Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier University Press. 1989.

Harrison, Dick. Unnamed Country: The Struggle for a Canadian Prairie Fiction. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1977.

Keith, W.J. Epic Fiction: The Art of Rudy Wiebe. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1981.

Keith, W.J. ed. A Voice in the Land: Essays by and About Rudy Wiebe. Edmonton: NeWest Press, 1981.

Morley, Patricia. The Comedians: Hugh Hood and Rudy Wiebe. Toronto: Clarke Irwin, 1977.

Redekop, Magdalene. Rudy Wiebe: Profiles in Canadian Literature. Toronto: Dundurn Press, 1981.

Tiessen, Hildegard Froese. Rudy Wiebe: A Tribute. Kitchener: Pinch Penny Press. 2002.

Van Toorn, Penelope. Rudy Wiebe and the Historicity of the World. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press. 1995.

Whaley, Susan. Rudy Wiebe and His Works. Toronto: ECW Press. 1986.

Wylie, Herb. Speaking in the Past Tense: Canadian Novelists on Writing Historical Fiction. Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier University Press. 2007.


Bilan, R.P. "Wiebe and Religious Struggle," Canadian Literature 77 (1978).

Doerksen, Victor G. "From Jung-Stillung to Rudy Wiebe: ‘Christian Fiction and the Mennonite Imagination, " Mennonite Images, ed. Harry Loewen. Winnipeg: Hyperion Press, 1980.

Duek, Allan. "Rudy Wiebe’s Approach to Historical Fiction: A Study of The Temptations of Big Bear and The Scorched-Wood People." in The Canadian Novel, Here and Now. Ed. John Moss. Toronto: New Canada Publications, NC Press 1978.

Grace, Sherrill E. "Structuring Violence: ‘’The ethics of Linguistics’ in The Temptations of Big Bear." Canadian Literature 104 (1985).

Hoeppner, Kenneth. " Politics and Religion: Rudy Wiebe’s The Scorched-Wood People," English Studies in Canada 12 (1986).

Howells, Coral Ann. "History from a Different Angle: Narrative Strategies in The Temptations of Big Bear," Journal of Commonwealth Literature 17 (1982).

Jeffery, David. “”Biblical Hermeneutics and Family History in Contemporary Canadian Fiction: Wiebe and Laurence.” Mosaic 11 (1978).

Pollock, Zailig. “The Blue Mountains of China: A Selected Genealogy,” Essays in Canadian Writing 26 (1983).

Redekop. Magdelene Folk. “Translated into the Past: Language in The Blue Mountains of China.” in A Voice in the Land op. cit.

Spriel, Pierre. “Structure and Meaning in Rudy Wiebe’s My Lovely Enemy.” Gaining Ground: European Critics on Canadian Literature. Eds. Robert Kroetsch & Reingard M. Nischik. Edmonton: NeWest Press, 1985.

Tiessen, Hildegard Froese. “A Mighty Inner River: "Peace" in the Early Fiction of Rudy Wiebe.” in The Canadian Novel, Here and Now op. cit.

Tiessen, J. “Canadian Mennonite Literature,” Canadian Literature 51 (1972).

Woodcock, George. “Prairie Writers and the Metis: Rudy Wiebe and Margaret Laurence,” Canadian Ethnic Studies 14:1 (1982).


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