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Athabasca University

Bibliography of Works by Peter Oliva


Drowning in Darkness, a novel. Toronto: Cormorant Press, 1993, 180 pp.

Reprinted 1994, 1999. Rights sold: Canadian, Spanish and French. Translated into Spanish, Ahogado en la oscuridad, Muchnik Editores, Barcelona, 1996. Adapted for radio drama, CBC Between-The-Covers, and broadcast during two-weeks in 1994 and 1995. Published by the prestigious Paris house, Gallimard, in February 2005.

The City of Yes, a novel. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1999, 354pp. This novel interweaves the story of a 19th century adventurer with a modern-day narrator’s journey through Japan. Published in France as En marchant sur la fleuve celeste, Gallimard, Paris, 2002.


"Obscurity to Obscurité" First Writes, Barb Scott, Ed., Banff Centre Press, July, 2005.

"Santa of the Kanto Plains," Canadian Geographic, Special Issue, 75th Anniversary, Nov. 2004, p. 61.

"Finding Serafina and the Language of Film," University conferences in Udine, Italy, May 20, and in Venice, May 27, 2004.

"Café life in Paris," Globe Travel feature, July 9, 2003, p. T2.

"How to Grow an Opera," in Alberta Views magazine, Calgary, March 2002. Reprinted in the Calgary Opera study guide, 6 pages.

"Preface" and writer’s contribution, First Chapter: The Canadian Writers' Photography Project, Don Denton, Banff Centre Press, 2001, pp. 8-9, 69.

"Written on Stone," in Alberta Views magazine, July 2001, p. 10-13.

"My friends are in Chains," National Post, July 29, 2000.

"I calabresi dicono," NarraSud, Anno 1, No. 2, Rome, Italy, 2000, p. 10-13.

"A Day in the Life of Yevgeny Yevtushenko," Eyetalian magazine, Sept/Oct. 1998, p.30-33. Also in Threshold, Srjia Pavlovic, Ed., NeWest, Edmonton, 1999, p. 143-158.

"Tuscany, Alberta ," Eyetalian magazine, Nov/Dec. 1998, p. 30-31.

"On Grafting a Family Tree," Eyetalian magazine, Summer 1998, p. 28-31.

"Hiroshima Memorial," CBC radio, Aug. 5, 1995.

"Skates," CBC radio, Jeff Collins show, 1995.

"Perish, then publish," feature piece, Quill & Quire, Vol. 61 (3), Mar. 1995.

"The Traveller’s Occupation," Descant, Vol. 89, Japan Issue, 1995, p. 135-150.

"Literary Graveyards and The Fantastic," Quarry, Vol. 43, No. 4, 1995, p. 12-21.

"The Search for Enlightenment On The Road," Dandelion, Vol. 21, No. 1, 1994, p. 90-94.

"Bad Endings," an essay. Brick: a literary journal, No. 47, Winter 1993, p. 75-78.

"Three Short Tales and a Moral," VOX magazine, Sept. 1991.

"The Exhumation," Alberta Rebound, Aritha van Herk, Ed., NeWest Press,1990, p. 171-181. Short story contest winner, Calgary Herald Sunday Magazine, Aug. 2, 1987, p. 18-21.

"Dress Red," Red Dress Anthology, Second Wednesday Pub., Calgary, 1988, p. 25-26.

"Jorge Luis Borges," Western Canadian Conference, University of Calgary, Feb. 1989.

Many book reviews published in newspapers across Canada.

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