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Athabasca University

Bibliography of Works About Nancy Huston


Branach-Kallas, Anna. “Lovers and/or enemies: love and nationality in Nancy Huston’s The Mark of the Angel.” In The Rhetoric of Canadian Writing. Eds. Steenman-Marcusse, Cornelia Jannele.  Amsterdam: Ridopi, 2002.

Cordingley, Anthony. Ed.  Self-Translation: Brokering Originality in Hybrid Culture. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013.

Danby, Nicola Doona. “The Space Between: Self-Translators Nancy Huston and Samuel Beckett.”  M.A. Thesis. Translation Studies, York University, 2003. Print.

_____. “The Space Between: Self-Translator Nancy Huston’s Limbes/Limbo.”  La Linguistique Vol. 40 (2004) online journal.

Davey, Frank. “Big, Bad, and Little Known: The Anglophone-Canadian Nancy Huston.” In Vision/Division: l’oeuvre de Nancy Huston. Eds. Marta Dvorak & Jane Koustas.  University of Ottawa Press, 2004.  3-20.

Dvorak, Marta & Jane Koustas. Eds. Vision/Division: l’oeuvre de Nancy Huston. Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa. 2004. Print and online.

Gaboury-Diallo, Lise. “L’altérité assumée dans La Virevolte et  Instruments des ténèbres de Nancy Huston.”  In Dvorak, 49-59.

Gallagher, Mary. “Nancy Huston ou la relation proliférante.” In Dvorak, 23-35.

Harrington, Katharine N. “Nancy Huston and the Art of Negotiating Strangeness.” In Writing the Nomadic Experience in Contemporary Francophone Literature. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2013. 47-75.

Khordoc, Catherine. “Variations littéraires dans Les Variations Goldberg.” In Dvorak, 95-111.

Kippur, Sara. “ Self-Translation and Strangeness: Nancy Huston’s Aesthetics of Translatedness.” In Writing It Twice: Self-Translation and the Making of a World Literature in French. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2015.

Klein-Lataud, Christine. “Les Voix paralleles de Nancy Huston.” TTR, Montréal. Vol. IX, 1, 2nd Semester, 1996. 211-31.

_____. “Langue et lieu de l’écriture.” In Dvorak, 39-48.

Klimkiewicz, Aurelia. “Between Languages: Metalinguistic elements in fiction and multilingual self-dialogue.” In The Bilingual Text: History and Theory of Literary Self-Translation. Eds. Hokensen, Jan Walsh & Marcella Munson. Mancester: St. Jerome Publishing, 2007.

Kupchenko, Mary Elizabeth. “Immigration and the Cyborg: Identity, Language, and Writing in the Works of  Nancy Huston.” M.A. Thesis. Comparative Literature. University of Alberta, 2011. Print.

Lorre, Christine. “ Création et procréation dans La Virevolte.” In Dvorak, 75-92.

Nye, Amy Jean. “Les voix des plaines: Dialogue et réécriture de l’histoire dans Cantique des plaines de Nancy Huston.” M.A. Thesis. French. University of Alberta, 2007.

Oberson, Guy. Terrestres. Actes Sud, 2014. Art inspired by poems of Nancy Huston.

Proulx, Patrice J. “Giving Voice to the Body: (Pro)creation in the Texts of Nancy Huston.” In Doing Gender: Franco-Canadian Women Writers of the 1990s.  eds. Gilbert, Paula Ruth & Roiseanna L. Dufault. Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2001.

Paillot, Patricia-Lea. “Cacophonie corporelle dans  Instruments of Darkness de Nancy Huston.” In Dvorak, 125-133.

Pivato, Joseph. "Self-Translation and the Bilingual Mind." Essays on Antonio D'Alfonso. ed. Licia Canton.  Guernica Editions, in press.

Powell, David A. “L’expression contrapuntique: la fuge prodigieuse de Nancy Huston.” In Dvorak, 113-123.

Schaub, Danielle. “Disarticulated, Dismembered, Destroyed: Semantic, Stylistic and Structural Representation of Trauma in Nancy Huston’s The Story of Omaya.”
PsyArt: Online Journal for the Psychological Study of the Arts. March, 2012.  Online.

Sing, Pamela V. “Stratégies de spatialisation et effects d’identification ou de distanciation dans Cantiques des plaines.” In Dvorak, 63-74.

St. Onge, Mélanie. “Deux langues pour créer: l’auto-traduction chez Nancy Huston.” Memoire pour B.A. en Français, Faculté Saint-Jean, University of Alberta, 2005.

Tassiopoulos, Eleftheria. “Literary Self-translation, exile and dialogism: the multilingual works of Vassilis Alexakis.” Intercultural Studies Group, York University, 2005.  Online.

Updated November 17 2016 by Student & Academic Services

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