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Athabasca University

Bibliography of Works by Kristjana Gunnars

by Monique Tschofen

Books in Prose

Stranger at the Door: Writers and the Act of Writing. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2004. (Essays & creative non-fiction)

Night Train to Nykøbing a Novel. Red Deer: Red Deer College Press, 1998. [Novel]

The Rose Garden: Reading Marcel Proust. Red Deer: Red Deer College Press, 1996. [Essay]

The Substance of Forgetting. Red Deer: Red Deer College Press, 1992. [Novel]

The Guest House and Other Stories. Concord: House of Anansi Press, 1992. [Short Stories]

Zero Hour. Red Deer: Red Deer College Press, 1991. [Creative non-fiction]

The Prowler: A Novel. Red Deer: Red Deer College Press, 1989. [Novel]

The Axe’s Edge. Toronto: Press Porcépic, 1983. [Short Stories]

Books of Poetry

Silence of the Country. Regina: Coteau Books, 2002.

Exiles Among You. Regina: Coteau Books, 1996.

Carnival of Longing. Winnipeg: Turnstone Press, 1989.

Water, Waiting. Toronto: Underwhich Editions, 1987. [Chapbook].

The Night Workers of Ragnarök. Toronto: Press Porcépic, 1985.

Wake-pick Poems. Toronto: House of Anansi Press, 1981.

Settlement Poems 2. Winnipeg: Turnstone Press, 1980.

Settlement Poems 1. Winnipeg: Turnstone Press, 1980.

One-eyed Moon Maps. Victoria: Press Porcépic, 1980.

Books in Translation

Degré zéro: roman. (Translation into French of Zero Hour.) Trans. Anne Malena. Montréal: Leméac Éditeurs, 1998.

La maraude: roman. (Translation into French of The Prowler.) Trans. Anne Malena. Montréal: Leméac Éditeurs, 1995.

Books Translated

Stephansson, Stephan G. Stephan G. Stephansson: Selected Prose and Poetry. Trans. Kristjana Gunnars. Red Deer: Red Deer College Press, 1988.

Gudmundsson, Finnbogi. Stephan G. Stephansson: In Retrospect. Seven Essays. Trans. Kristjana Gunnars. Reykjavík: Icelandic Cultural Fund, 1982.

In addition, Gunnars has published translations from Icelandic into English of poems, essays, short stories, and chapters from novels. Her own work has been translated into Icelandic, French, Spanish and Chinese.

Authored, Edited and Co-Authored Books

Stranger At The Door: Writers and the Act of Writing. Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2004.

Transient Questions: Essays on the Writing of Mavis Gallant. Ed. Kristjana Gunnars. Amsterdam: Rodopi. In Progress.

Unexpected Fictions: New Icelandic Canadian Writing. Ed. and Intro. Kristjana Gunnars. Winnipeg: Turnstone Press, 1989.

Crossing the River: Essays in Honor of Margaret Laurence. Ed. and Intro. Kristjana Gunnars. Winnipeg: Turnstone Press, 1988.

The Papers of Dorothy Livesay. Co-Authored with Richard Bennett and Pamela Banting. Winnipeg: Department of Archives and Special Collections, U of Manitoba Libraries, 1986.

Redhead the Whale and other Icelandic Folk Tales. Trans. Helga Miller and George Houser. Ed. Kristjana Gunnars. Illus. Helga Miller. Winnipeg: Queenston House, 1985.

Short Stories

"Winter Gales." The Capilano Review 2.30 (2000): 88-97.

"Zoo." Threshold: An Anthology of Contemporary Writing from Alberta. Ed. Srdja Pavlovic. Edmonton: U of Alberta P, 1999. 169-176.

"Forged Letters." Inter-Plays: Works and Words of Writers and Critics. Eds. Rolf Althof, Rurick von Antropoff and Klaus Peter Muller. St. John's: Breakwater, 1994. 215-219.

"Night Flight." Exile 18.1 (1994): 67-82.

"Dreamwoman." Boundless Alberta: An Anthology of Alberta Writing. Ed. Aritha Van Herk. Edmonton: NeWest Press, 1993. 387-398.

"The Falls." Prairie Schooner 67.4 (1993): 126-133.

"Postcards." Canadian Fiction Magazine 82 (1993): 34-43.

"Sorrow Cow." North Dakota Quarterly (1993): 86-89. Rpt. in Gunnars, The Guest House 49-56.

"Mass and a Dance." Out of Place. Eds. Ven Begamudré and Judith Krause. Coteau Books, 1991. 49-55. Rpt. in Gunnars, The Guest House 73-86. Rpt. in Pens of Many Colors. Eds. Eva C. Karpinski and Ian Lea. Toronto: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1993. 352-359. Also translated into Chinese 1994.

"Cocoon." Hard Times: A New Fiction Anthology. Ed. Beverly Daurio. Stratford: The Mercury Press, 1990. 86-90.

"The Empty Schoolroom." Canadian Forum 71.783 (Oct. 1990): 23-6. Rpt. in Gunnars, The Guest House 33-48.

"Water." Massachusetts Review 31.1-2 (1990): 144-152. Rpt. in Gunnars, The Guest House 19-32.

"Guest House." Canadian Fiction Magazine 70 (1990): 33-41. Rpt. in Gunnars, The Guest House 1-18.

"Rain." Secrets from the Orange Couch 3.1 (1990): 25-27.

"Insomnia." Unexpected Fictions: New Icelandic Canadian Writing. Ed. Kristjana Gunnars. Turnstone P, 1989. 43-52. Rpt. in Gunnars, The Guest House 87-96. Rpt. in JON A B E GISA 1 (1997): 81-85.

"Pall Johansson, Fatalist." Puzzle. Winnipeg: Peguis Publishers, 1986. 65-73. Vol. 3 of Pieces of the Jigsaw / Puzzle: A Multicultural Anthology for Young Readers. 3 Vols. 1986.

"Tomas Jonasson, Jazz." Arts Manitoba 3.1 (1982): 65-69. Rpt. in Gunnars, The Axe’s Edge 77-84.

"Holiday, My Bone." Lögberg-Heimskringla 3 Dec. 1982: 4-5, 8. Rpt. in Gunnars, The Axe’s Edge 85-93.

"The Song of the Reindeer." Icelandic Writing Today Sept. 1982: 34-36. Rpt. in Gunnars, The Guest House 97-112.

"Sveinborg Sigfusdottir, Grasses." Lögborg-Heimskringla 14 May 1982: 6, 8. Rpt. in Gunnars, The Axe’s Edge 61-68.

"Petúr Árnason, Roundup." Lögborg-Heimskringla 9 Oct. 1981: 5-6. Rpt. in Gunnars, The Axe’s Edge 17-22.

"Timminn og Vindurinn." Trans. Kristjan Jonsson. Lesbok Morgunbladsins 39, 5 Dec. 1981.

"Halfdán Sigmundsson, Guest." Canadian Fiction Magazine 36 / 37 (1980): 39-45. Rpt. in Gunnars, The Axe’s Edge 37-46.

"Kolla, Ticks." NeWest Review 5.6 (1980): 8-9. Rpt. in Sundogs: Stories from Saskatchewan. Ed. Robert Kroetsch. Regina: Coteau Books, 1981. 49-54. Rpt. in Gunnars, The Axe’s Edge 69-76. Rpt. in The Last Map is the Heart. Eds. G. Sorestand, P. O'Rourke and A. Forrie Saskatoon: Thistledown P, 1989. 88-93.

"Fridrik Sviensson, Mice." The Canadian Forum 59.694 (Nov. 1979): 20-22. Rpt. in Gunnars, The Axe’s Edge 29-36. Rpt. as "Mice" in Manitoba Heritage Review 1.1 (1984): 14-17.


"light." New Delta Review 19.1 (2001): 41.

"that is not a dream, this." The Dominion of Love: An Anthology of Canadian Love Poems. Ed. Tom Wayman. Madeira Park, B.C.: Harbour Pub., 2001. 66-67. Rpt. from Gunnars, Exiles Among You 51.

"the real postmodern." Prairie Fire 22.1 (2001): 53. Rpt. in Gunnars, Silence of the Country 48.

"silence of the country," "ink stains." Poetry Wales 36.2 (2000): 8-9. Rpt. in Gunnars, Silence of the Country 10, 27.

"millennium," "compass." Contemporary Verse Two 22.4 (2000): 7-9.

"city fog." Dandelion 25.2 (1999): 66. Rpt. in Gunnars, Silence of the Country 3.

"at the beach" and "quiet of the morning." ARC Canada’s National Poetry Magazine 41 (1998): 40-41. Rpt. in Gunnars, Silence of the Country 20, 22.

"millenium," "street corner," and "Arctic cathedral." Antigonish Review 115 (1998): 30-32. Rpt. in Gunnars, Silence of the Country 18, 9, 17.

"Selections from 'Photographic Memory.'" Mattoid 52-53 (1998): 145-147.

"'2,' '7,' '15,' '47,' and '64,' from Exiles Among You." Passeport: la poésie moderne de langue anglaise au Canada. Ed. Endre Farkas. Trans. into French by Émile Martel. Winnipeg: J. Gordon Shillingford Pub., 1998. 144-147.

"Depoe Bay." Wascana Review 32.3 (1997): 71. Rpt. from Wascana Review 12.2 (1977):49-51.

"Exiles Among You '61,' '62,' '63,' '64,' '65.'" Rampike 8.2 (1997): 68-69. Rpt. in Gunnars, Exiles Among You.

"23." The Globe and Mail 16 Mar. 1996: C19. Rpt. in Gunnars, Exiles Among You.

"those subjected to radioactivity who did not die were marked for life." Global Matters. Ed. Ian Waldron and Nancy Steinhauer. New York: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1995. 26-7. Rpt. from Gunnars, The Night Workers 96.

"'35,' '36,' and '38,' from Exiles Among You." ARC: Canada’s National Poetry Magazine 34 (1995): 40-42. Rpt. in Gunnars, Exiles Among You.

"'25,' and '26,' from Exiles Among You." Dandelion 22.1 (1995): 10-11. Rpt. in Gunnars, Exiles Among You.

"'9,' '10,' '11,' '12,' '13,' from Exiles Among You." Matrix 44 (1994): 62-63. Rpt. in Gunnars, Exiles Among You.

"'46,' '47,' '50,' from Exiles Among You." The Antigonish Review 99 (1994): 39. Rpt. in Gunnars, Exiles Among You.

"Selections from Exiles Among You." Poetry Canada Review 15.1 (1994): 6-7. Rpt. in Gunnars, Exiles Among You.

"Selections from 'Scent of Cedar.'" Prairie Fire 15.1 (1994): 27-41.

"in this kitchen." Kitchen Talk: Contemporary Women’s Prose and Poetry. Eds. Edna Alford and Claire Harris. Red Deer: Red Deer College Press, 1992. 178.

"Excerpts from the Poem 'Sunlamp.'" Canadian Woman Studies 9.2 (1988): 82-3. Rpt. in Gunnars, Carnival 47-65.

"casualty." Verse 4.1 (1987): 13.

"beneath discourse." Contemporary Verse Two 10.2 (1986): 34-37.

"Field Guide to Havoc." Lögborg-Heimskringla 12 Sept. 1986: 7.

"Whale Constellations 3 and 4." Ariel 17.2 (1986): 15-16.

"Letter to Sigridur." Northern Light 36 (1985): 36-37.

7 Poems from Mistaken Masters: "Revealing Horse," "A Long Production," "From a Distance," "William Blake Receding," "Dead Splendour," "untitled," and "untitled." Poetry Canada Review 6.3 (1985):13.

"blueprint of St. Francis" and "self-asteroids." Dandelion 2.2 (1984-5): 8-10.

"Milky Way Vegetation II (excerpts)." Women and Words: The Anthology. Ed. West Coast Editorial Collective. Madeira Park, B.C.: Harbour Publishing, 1984. 1-2. Rpt. in Gunnars, The Night Workers 27-31.

"north country wake '10,' '16,' and '18.'" Contemporary Verse Two 8.3 (1984): 27. Rpt. in Gunnars, The Night Workers 63-70.

"north country wake '6,' '8,' and '9.'" NeWest Review 9.9 (1984): 19. Rpt. in Gunnars, The Night Workers 63-70.

"north country wake '17,' '20,'and '21.'" Poetry Canada Review 6.1 (1984): 26. Rpt. in Gunnars, The Night Workers 63-70.

"Reef." Cycle of 24 Poems. Paunch (1984): 5-29.

"Wild Waters." Prairie Fire 5.2-3 (1984): 38-40.

"Wordsketch on Indian Summer." With Andrew Suknaski. Prairie Fire 5.2-3 (1984): 30-31.

"Epistle of Wilderness." Northward Journal 27 (1983): 26-47.

"'the dots of de dondi' from 'Mistaken Masters.'" Agenda 84. Montreal: The Muse’s Company. July 1983.

"sea urchins." The Icelandic Canadian 41.3 (1983): 27.

"Selections from The Night Workers of Ragnarök." Northern Light 9 (1983).

"Gaelic love stories I, II, III and IV." Contemporary Verse Two 6.4 (1982): 14-15.

"milky way vegetation II, I." Waves 2.1 (1982): 70. Rpt. in Gunnars The Night Workers 70.

"sea kale." Lögborg-Heimskringla 12 Feb. 1982: 3.

"Stone Bridge Poems: summer awning." Canadian Ethnic Studies 14.1 (1982): 93. Rpt. in Gunnars, The Night Workers 35.

"Changeling / Monkshood." The Canadian Forum 61.709 (May 1981): 22-23.

"Selections from 'Whale Constellations.'" Canadian Literature 90 (1981): 107-110.

"From Memory VII, X and XII." NeWest Review 5.7 (1980): 7.

"Winnipeg Wake." Lögborg-Heimskringla 94.3 Feb. 1980.

"Gleneden, Oregon," "in dad’s geology lab." The Fiddlehead 121 (1979): 80-82.

"Haiku." Dragonfly 7.1 (1979): n.p.

"Ilya," "Patricia." Concerning Poetry 12.2 (1979): 15-16.

"talking with a famous poet at the Globe." Canadian Author and Bookman 54.3 (1979): 27.

"to an anthropologist." Smoke Signals. Regina: Saskatchewan Writers' Guild Annual Literary Competition, 1979. 9.

"sister." Salt 18 (1978): 14.

"June 17, Pense Saskatchewan." The Icelandic Canadian 37.2 (1978): 31.

"passage," "thorsgata." Grain 6.3 (1978): 8-10.

"Depoe Bay," "after reading a children’s nature journal: Japan issue." Wascana Review 12.2 (1977): 49-51.

"making discards." Quarry 26.4 (1977): 62.

"a new life, for my father," "in spate." Prism International 15.1 (1976): 84-85.

"Keflavik," "Drangey." Luckiamute Summer 1972: n.p.

Many of Gunnars poems have been anthologized.

Creative Non-Fiction

"The House at the End of the Fjord." Prairie Fire 21.3 (2000): 14-22.

"Pensive Nude." Going Some Place. Ed. Lynne van Luven. Regina: Coteau Books, 2000. 25-35.

"Pebbles on the Beach." Writing Home: A PEN Anthology. Ed. Constance Rooke. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1997. 119-125.

"The Present." Language in Her Eye: Writing and Gender. Eds. Libby Scheier, Sarah Sheard, and Eleanor Wachtel. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1990. 126-130.

"Essay Parcels from Andrew Suknaski" in Trace: Prairie Writers on Writing. Ed. Bill Sproxton. Winnipeg: Turnstone Press, 1986. 187-191.

Articles and Essays

"Canonization Practices and the Canadian Bookshelf." Essays on Canadian Writing 71 (2000): 232-240.

"Writing and Silence." Skrivingens Rom. Trondheim, Norway: University of Trondheim, 1998.

"The Idea of North and the Disclosure of Agency." Canada and the Nordic Countries. Ed. Jørn Carlsen. Volume 12. Denmark: U of Aarhus, 1997. 7-19.

"Translation the Subaltern." Canadian Ethnic Studies 29.3 (1997): 75-82.

"Life as Fiction: Narrative Appropriation in Isak Dinesen’s Out of Africa." Isak Dinesen and Narrativity: Reassessments for the 1990s. Ed. Gurli A. Woods. Ottawa: Carleton U P, 1994. 25-35.

"Ethnicity and Canadian Women Writers." Room of One’s Own: A Feminist Journal of Literature and Criticism 14.4 (1991): 40-50.

"Introduction." Double Danish: Contemporary Short Stories from Denmark. Ed. and Trans. Per Brask. Ottawa: Cormorant Books, 1991.

"The Hypothetical Text: Stephan G. Stephansson’s Autobiography." Canada and the Nordic Countries. Eds., Jørn Carlsen and Bengt Streijffert. Volume 2 of The Nordic Association for Canadian Studies Text Series. Lund: Lund UP; Chartwell-Bratt, 1988. 109-22.

"Shepherding the Self: Love in the Autobiography of Gudny Jonsdottir." Canadian Women’s Studies / Les Cahiers de la Femme 9.2 (1988): 50-53.

"Avoidance and Confrontation: Excerpts from Notes on a Longpoem Poetics." Trace: Prairie Writers on Writing. Ed. Bill Sproxton. Winnipeg: Turnstone Press, 1986. 187-92.

"Laura Goodman Salverson’s Confessions of a Divided Self." A Mazing Space: Writing Canadian Women Writing. Eds. Shirley Neuman and Smaro Kamboureli. Edmonton: Longspoon, 1986. 148-153.

"Words on Multilingualism." Prairie Fire 5.2-3 (1984): 7-8.

Encyclopedia Entries

"Laurence, Margaret (1926-87)" and "Valgardson, W.D." in Routledge Encyclopedia of Post-Colonial Literatures in English. London: Routledge, 1994.

"Stephansson, Stephan G." New Canadian Encyclopedia. Edmonton: Hurtig, 1985.

Introductions to Books

Brask, Per, Ed. and Trans. Anthology of Modern Danish Literature. Introduction by Kristjana Gunnars. Ottawa: Cormorant Books, 1991.

Grove, Frederick Philip. Settlers of the Marsh. Afterword by Kristjana Gunnars. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1989.

Selected Casual Essays and Journalism

"The Search for Our Passion." The Globe and Mail 18 Aug. 1990: C15.

"Icelandic Writing Today." Lögborg-Heimskringla 12 Feb. 1982: 3.

"About the Poem." Lögborg-Heimskringla 20 Nov. 1981: 4, 8.

"Fear of Kroetsch: Response to 'Fear of Women in Prairie Fiction: Erotics of Space' by Robert Kroetsch." Freelance (Nov. 1978): 39-41.

Interviews by Kristjana Gunnars

"Interview with Greg Hollingshead." Prairie Fire 17.2 (1996): 6-18.

"Voyage on a Dark Ocean: Interview with W.D. Valgardson." Prairie Fire 10.2 (1989): 60-65. Rpt. in The Icelandic Canadian 67.3 (1989): 14-19.

"'Meditation on a Snowy Morning’: A Conversation with Robert Kroetsch." Prairie Fire 8.4 (1987-88): 54-67.

"Making Draft Horses Out of the Gods: An Interview with Robert Bringhurst." Prairie Fire 8.1 (1987): 4-15.

"Poetry is For People: An Interview with Dorothy Livesay." Co-Authored with Pamela Banting. Prairie Fire 7.3 (1986): 8-13. Rpt. in Writing and Gender. Ed. Libby Scheier. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1990.

"Eg aetlast til ad allir viti hvar Skagafjordur er." Interview with Haraldur Bessason. Dagbladid-Visir 73/8 (86): 17 Apr. 1982.

Kristjana Gunnars also regularly publishes book reviews, feature articles, and journalism in World Literature Today, Journal of Canadian Poetry, Canadian Ethnic Studies, Canadian Literature, Prairie Fire, Contemporary Verse II, The Icelandic Canadian, Iceland Review, The Globe and Mail, Horizon Canada, and many others.


Published in Kristjana Gunnars: Essays on Her Works. Ed. Monique Tschofen. Toronto: Guernica Editions, 2004.

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